Thursday, March 04, 2010

Skating again

Here she is skating in her Pretty Dress she says with a little toule skirt under it!
what a skater!!!!

We played with a ball of yarn and she would put it on her then say "help me help me it's getting me help me"
so like a good grammy, I would go and save her!

Next she played dress up again
Skirt shoes and gloves to make the outfit

Then off came the clothes and she wrapped in a blanket
Looks like an angel!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tea Party

There is nothing in life that cannot be solved by a cup of tea with a grandchild.

It wouldn't be a weekend with Grammy unless you have a teaparty

Peyton pours the tea (aka water)
she dunks her Reeses Peanutbutter Cup in the tea!
I believe she is testing to make sure its not hot!!
One for Peyton, One for Grammy
Need a another cup?
OOPS better cleanup our mess
this is such good tea
Just put the left overs back in the Teapot
Maybe I'll drink that leftover
Good to the last drop!!!
Something special about having
a Tea Party with your granddaughter
She is wealthy who sips a cup of tea with a

Next Peyton showed me how to fly like Tinkerbelle
she put on her wings and off she went.

Peyton showed me how she played in her Princess corner
Of course I think she is a princess so she
should have a Princess Corner

About Me

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Norman & I love to ride our Goldwing Trike, and go camping.