Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bucket Calves

Megan and Clint had bucket calves this year,
Clint got to have the first one they named her
Rosie Stapel, Megan then got hers she named
it Rudy, then they got a 3rd one and her name
is Roxie. They mix the milk and feed them 2
times a day, after feeding them the buckets have
to be washed. When they here Clint and Megans
voice they come running, they are really cute.
On Rudys name tag notice the viking heart
Megan made that. Clint put Stapel on Rosie name
tag. I think it has been a real learning experience.
If you don't know what a Viking heart is, (I didn't)
it is a heart with two Viking horns on it at the top.

Camping 2008

2008 First big camping trip of the year
at Lake Lovewell Started are GeoCashing
here and continued all summer

GeoCashing at Lake Lovewell

Time for a picture
maybe for xmas cards

Kodak Moment

Norman using new oven from Sharon

The Good Life

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter Weekend

Our Girls Libby, Peyton, Becky & Megan if only Kris could have been here

Grammy and Pop
with our grandkids, Clint Megan & Peyton
Peyton wouldn't stay in the picture without mommy
she had enough of her picture being taken

Mamaw her Great Grands and Libby

Megan and Peyton sharing some cousin time, coloring!

Peyton and Mamaw playing

Peyton fixed a plate of food for Mamaw

Peyton loved her Uncle Jason

Monday, April 20, 2009

Megan is serious about this egg

Clint is experimenting with his colors

Peyton tries for a darker pink

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a great time at Easter. JD, Libby and Miss Peyton arrived on Friday, The Staple's came in for supper and we ordered out Mexican from the Bakery. Everyone had a great time watching Peyton. She held center stage, even Clint and Megan enjoyed watching her.

On Saturday, Peyton had her picture made at a local Photographer, she wasn't to keen on the idea but, I think they got some good shots. That afternoon we went to the Stapel farm, Peyton got to see Clint and Megan's Bucket Calves, Rudy, Rosie and Roxie. Peyton liked them as long as they were on the other side of the fence. Becky brought in Clint and Megans Fisher Price Grocery Store, the 3 kids had a great time playing with it. Becky sent it home with Peyton, Clint and Megan had outgrown it, and Peyton inherits lots from them.

We colored eggs that evening ( something Peyton loves to do) she really enjoyed herself, she colored her egg and her hands pink. She would hold up her egg and say "Pretty" Of course, we agreed with her it was a very pretty egg, Clint and Megan decorated some beautiful eggs too!They both colored over a dozen eggs apiece, every color imaginable, Clint did lots of mixing must be part scientist. Everyone got in on the coloring of eggs, Just goes to show you are never to old to color Easter Eggs.

About Me

My photo
Norman & I love to ride our Goldwing Trike, and go camping.